It is essential to get your kids into the habit of listening by telling them stories. It will inculcate the habit to stay silent and listen to what the teacher is saying while they are at preschool.
The kids in the age group of 4 to 5 years are ready to take instructions from parents and teachers. Practice various games that would require you to state certain instructions or steps to complete a play. This would allow your preschooler to follow the directions correctly.
Kindergarten classes would have kids perform several activities in small groups. You can organize kids’ parties at home. Invite small kids and toddlers from your neighborhood and make your kid to socialize with them.
Talk with your kid about going to school and make her feel excited about it. Prepare your kid to be free from all kinds of fears by answering all his doubts regarding the school and make sure you eliminate all his fears about going to school.
Kids who can take care of themselves would have lots of confidence, especially in school. You can motivate your kid to wipe his nose or mouth, use the toilet on his own etc.
It is important to lay rules for your children so that you don’t have to keep reminding them of what they must do during the day.
Discipline your kids by letting them learn the severity of the mistake. Also don’t delay disciplining. The incident might just get too old to think about if you want to discipline your child on it on a later date.
Make sure you give time to your children to have fun together. Get creative, turn the music on, dance together. If you are rigid, it is likely to make your child more stubborn. It’s important to show your love. Use kind words.
Hearing too much of ‘No’ can make your child feel unloved. It will also trigger a rebellious attitude, and he may not want to listen to your instructions.
Children do not understand everything that parents tell them. Their world is too small to look at the larger things. So expect accordingly. Find creative ways to instruct them.
Making your child understand the impact of a good or bad behavior is essential. Let him understand that when he is being good, everyone around will appreciate him. On the other hand, bad behavior will get him bad remarks and negative consequences. It will help him stay watchful.
Children mirror their parents and parents have huge impact in how your child behaves. Every time you behave in a particular manner the CCTV cameras (kids) in your house are watching you, so parents should act as they want their kids should act like.